"The Story of Jesus" is a movie and a Christian feature film based on the New Testament. A movie about Jesus that portrays the life of Jesus exactly as it was. In the movie, we get to follow Jesus from his birth, when he wandered around the people, the crucifixion and finally his ascension. "The Story of Jesus" premiered in 1979 and has been translated into 2082 languages . You can also see a version for children The Story of Jesus for Children it has subtitles in 8 languages. Behind the movie stands the organisation "The JESUS Film Project".
If your language is missing, you can choice beetween 2 082 others subtitles.
Proin quis
"The Story of Jesus" shows the life, miracles, teaching and death of Jesus. Jesus constantly surprises and amazes people. A movie about Jesus that is a perfect introduction to his life through the Gospel of Luke. Follow Jesus from his miraculous birth until he rises from the tomb. Luke's book in the bible takes you through Jesus life, all the miracles, teaching, parables and life.
Dalbackavägen 47
945 92 Altersbruk