Christian TV

Christian TV to watch online! Now you can enjoy exploring and watching a wide range of christian TV channels right from the comfort of your own home. Here you will find channels in many languages and at the bottom av the page the most popular christian TV channels in Sweden and Norway. Whether you want to hear Christian teaching or just enjoy inspirational content, faith-strengthening programs are offered to enrich your faith. Take the opportunity to explore what the Christian web TV has to offer.

Christian TV in many languages

Click the flag to select a language. The Swedish and Norwegian channels are at the bottom of the page.
CBN - english

Christian channel from USA with "The 700 club" .

TV7 israel news - english

News by TV7 from Israel - english

Christian channel from UK broadcasting 24/7.

tbn - english

Big TV channel that broadcasts in many parts of the world.

kanal 10 Asia  - English + Urdu

Channel 10 broadcasts in Asia in English and Urdu

tv africa - English

TBN´s broadcating in Africa

TV Vision Heaven - english

Program in english from TV vision - German

Different programs to choose from.

TBN Deutsch - GERMAN

TBN's program in Germany. 

TBN FRance - french

TBN programs in French! Faith, family, friendship, world news...

Tarvis tv7 - finnish

TV7´s finnish channel

Taevas tv7 - estniska

TV7´s estonia channel

Life tv Estonia - Estonian

Listen to news, singing and teaching.

Studio dEnmark - danish

Tv vision´s danish program

TCI - italian

TCI is a christian channel who broadcasts program 24 hours

TV vision somali - somali

Tv vision's Somali program

TBN Spain - Spanish

Broadcasts daily programs that reach Spain and Europe.

CBN Club 700 Hoy - Spanish

Stories of transformed lives and a dose of inspiration.

Tv vision spain - spanish

Tv vision's spanish programs

Rede gospel - Portuguese

Brazilian evangelical television network based in São Paulo.

TV Vision - arabiska

Daily christan program in arabic .

The kingdom sat - arabic

Known as "Al Malakoot Sat" in the arabic world.

tv vision - Farsi 

Daily broadcasting in farsi.

tv 7 Albania - Albanian

Movies for children and adults, lessons, documentaries, programs, ministries.

Kanal hayat - Turkish

Broadcasting for turk, kurds, turkmen, uzbeks and azeri.

TV vision Balkan - Croatian

Glas istine - The voice of thruth

TB7 - russian

TV7´s christian channel broadcasting in Russia.

Life tv Europa - Russian

Listen to news, singing and teaching.

Christian tv Channel online

Christian TV that broadcasts programs in Swedish and Norwegian.

Watch Christian web TV by clicking on the channel's logo and read about how to access each channel. The most common way is by the internet, satellite or app. Some channels are also available on cable TV offering, eg on comhem and canal digital. Curious about the christian faith or do you want to build your faith in Jesus, here you will find lots of inspiring christian content via web TV.

christian tv in sweden and norway

  • Kanal 10 Sweden
  • Himlen TV7 Sweden
  • Tv vision Sweden
  • TBN Nordic
  • Kanal 10 Norway
  • TV visjon Norway
Kanal 10 - Sweden

Channel 10 is a swedish channel. Watch it on your computer or via satellite or broadband TV. Some TV providers have it in their range. You can also download an app and watch.


Tv vision Sweden, a christian TV that broadcasts in Swedish. Different ways to watch: Allente: place of channel - 214/138, Canal digital - 167, Viasat - 138. Online or by app.

Himlen tv7 - SWEDEN

Himlen TV7 is a completely swedish boadcast from TV7. It is all-christian aimed at viewers who like meaningful and family-friendly programs. Watch it via computer, app and smart TV.


A Christian range of artists and preachers. The TV channel cooperates with around 30 other christian channels, e.g. Hillsong Channel. Can be viewed by satellite, app or online.

Kanal 10 - Norway

Channel 10 Norway is a Norwegian channel that wants to spread the gospel. They broadcast in Norwegian and Swedish. Watch by satellite, cable TV and as web TV online.

Visjon Norge

TV Vision Norway is a christian TV channel that broadcasts 24 hours a day. You can watch it by satellite, cable TV, app and sometimes it is offered automatically in the TV selection.

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